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November 13, 2008

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External support for liberation movements in Aceh and Papua

By: Baiq Wardhani

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Paper Description:

This paper investigates how external support is developed and how neighbouring countries react to the liberation movements in Aceh and Papua. Recognition by outside powers is the key success for their struggle.

In the case of separatist groups in Indonesia, external support has been sought on both the regional and international levels. Regional here means neighbouring countries surrounding Indonesia including ASEAN member countries and the Pacific Island countries. The term international embraces broader geographical areas such as the US, Australia, African, and other Asian and European countries. According to Premdas (1991: 18) the internationalisation of ethnic conflict “can yield new sources of sympathy, material resources and organisational skill.” I would separate internal and external dimensions that encourage the “internationalisation” of separatist movements. The international dimension is influenced by domestic dynamics within the Indonesian state, while external dynamics are ruled by international circumstances.

I suggest there are at least three internal factors that facilitate the development of external support, they are: military atrocities, the extraction of natural resources, and ethnicity and religion. Meanwhile, there are some external dimensions that encourage the efforts, such as globalisation, international democratisation, and racial and ideological bonds.

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